Winners 2019
The IEMA Sustainability Impact Awards 2019 winners were announced on Friday 20th September. Please see below:
#BeyondPlastic Taskforce - Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Judges’ comments: “This was a great team effort in tackling the complex issue of single-use plastics. The ambitious Foreign and Commonwealth Office sustainability team has used a metrics-based approach to remove more than 2.5m plastic items from its UK operations, and is now cascading the ‘Beyond Plastic’ programme out globally.”
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) #BeyondPlastic Taskforce’s aim was to demonstrate the UK’s global leadership in sustainability, as aspired to in the government’s 25-Year Environment Plan. Its public commitment – “the FCO will eliminate avoidable single-use plastics from its UK operations by the end of 2018, and from its global operations by 2020” – was bold and ground-breaking within Whitehall.
In just 10 months, the FCO achieved a reduction of 97% of its baseline figure of 1.56m items of avoidable single-use plastic in the UK. With help from its facilities management and catering supplier Interserve, it avoided the use of 655,000 plastic disposable coffee cups, 285,000 plastic water cups, 303,000 disposable take-away items and the 100,000 plastic soft drink bottles.
Overseas, embassies have saved more than a million items of single-use plastic; 32 embassies have committed to dates by which they will have declared themselves free of avoidable single-use plastic, and seven are now plastic-free.
Internal support on this included an online Toolkit and Centre of Excellence to give encouragement, support and advice. The taskforce also removed barriers to action by offering funding for initiatives to reduce single-use plastic, and encouraged healthy competition – offering opportunities for individual successes to be showcased to the whole organisation.
The taskforce said that its greatest success had been the enthusiasm displayed by colleagues across the organisation.
Sustainability Team - ABP Food Group
Submarine Cabling Sustainability Cost-Benefit Analysis Team - AECOM and Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN)
Green Group - Davies Veterinary Specialists
Environment Team - Deloitte
Sustainability Team - Ingleton Wood
On Network Works Environment Team - Network Rail
Sustainability Team - SP Energy Networks
Hearts and Minds Engagement Campaign - Arriva Rail North
Judges’ comments: “This programme covered all levels within the organisation and was clearly linked to the IEMA skills matrix, with the training customised to ensure it is organisation relevant. The programme is being embedded through inclusion of environmental outcomes within everyone’s objectives. In addition, further IEMA professional training and development will be given to identified individuals. The lessons learnt from this programme will be adopted more widely within the UK Arriva Group.”
Arriva Rail North (ARN) or Northern, is managed by Arriva UK Trains (AUKT). Northern covers the North of England and has a team of 5,500 people ranging from managers, engineers, cleaners, customer service representatives and drivers.
ARN’s commitment to a company-wide environmental training programme meant that over 24 months, these 5,500 staff were to be trained, which was challenging in the case of frontline staff. The persistence of the team at Northern to complete this was an achievement on its own, and over a period of 24 months, ARN delivered at least one level of the training to all staff. Some 400 managers have been through a certificated 2-day IEMA course and over 5000 frontline staff have been trained.
ARN’s detailed environmental engagement and communications plan was adopted as the ‘gold standard’ by AUKT’s Environmental Improvement Network. In addition, every manager now has a local environmental objective and all areas in ARN have an environmental action plan.
The judges welcomed the way in which a number of the training and development programmes were clearly focused on achieving better environmental and sustainability outcomes and also the development of individuals. We welcomed the way in which a number of the entries clearly linked the training and development provided to the use of the IEMA skills matrix, associated training courses and professional development opportunities.
Highly commended:
Hanson and Watts Environmental Sustainability
The Atkins IEMA Support Programme - Atkins (SNC-Lavalin)
Environmental Graduate Development Programme - Peter Brett Associates (PBA) now part of Stantec
10,000 Actions - The University of Manchester
Judges’ comments: “This project developed an effective and innovative approach to engagement and communication, which delivered tangible outcomes across a wide range of sustainability issues. The approach also has the potential to generate an extensive legacy if rolled out to other interested stakeholders.”
The University of Manchester has made social responsibility a core strategic goal. In November 2016, it launched 10,000 Actions, which helps every member of staff take positive action on environmental sustainability and has resulted in the university being hailed as the first ‘Carbon Literate’ university in the world. It challenges all 10,000+ staff to perform at least one action on sustainability.
The university significantly exceeded this: to date, staff have committed to over 26,000 actions, with over 3,500 of them completed. While it is a voluntary initiative, an impressive 55% of staff (5,556 people) have engaged with the initiative, where previous staff engagement on sustainability reached only 3% of staff.
Highlighting the financial savings involved with the project – such as cycling to work which in turn reduced sick days, saving £72,380 per annum, and driving training which saved £41,030 in fuel costs – has also engaged the director of Finance in the sustainability agenda.
Due to the success of 10,000 Actions, a number of organisations including Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Manchester Metropolitan University, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service and the Greater London Authority have shown interest in accessing the programme. 10,000 Actions was also promoted at the Mayor of Greater Manchester’s Green Summit in March 2019.
The judges were struck by the range of projects submitted in this category, resulting in a high level of engagement across a broad spectrum of stakeholders.
Herts Low Carbon Innovation Network - BRE
Costain Resource Efficiency Matrix - Costain
Avoidable Single Use Plastics Elimination - Environment Agency
#BeyondPlastic - Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Green Action Competition - UK Fire and Rescue Services
The Great British Spring Clean 2019 - Keep Britain Tidy
Green Sail - Sail Croatia
Port Clarence and Greatham South Flood Alleviation Scheme – Environment Agency
Judges’ comments: “A unique building project with a focus not only on protection and defence, but also on the relationship between people and the natural world. The Environment Agency (EA) has taken this opportunity to promote sustainable construction to aid better understanding and engagement, while also enhancing the wildlife and nature in the area.”
Port Clarence and Greatham South FAS is a flood risk management project comprising 2.5km of new flood embankments, realigned to restore intertidal habitat in an economically important area of North East England that is at risk of flooding. In 2013, during a tidal surge, 300 people were evacuated from their homes, and a breach in the existing defence impacted local industry production. The estuary also has internationally designated habitats that are under pressure from human activity and sea level rise.
Many partners helped to drive the solution, including local industry, environmental stakeholders and community members. The project was also vital in delivering the Tidal Tees Flood Risk Management Strategy, looking at ways to reduce flood risk to homes and businesses and improve habitats. The result has been to significantly reduce the risk from coastal flooding, safeguard the community and local industry, provide economic benefit and create more than 36 hectares of restored and new habitats.
The team worked to improve sustainability, reduce environmental impact and deliver the EA’s target of 15% cost efficiency (£3.5m efficiency achieved) and 40% carbon reduction (45% carbon reduction achieved). Financial efficiencies were reinvested to create additional benefits, including an extra five hectares of intertidal habitat, seven hectares of freshwater habitat, and a bird and seal viewing structure.
The variety and quality of the many ground-breaking construction and infrastructure projects made this a difficult category to judge. There was inspiration, innovation and leadership in all the entries, so everyone who made the shortlist fully deserved their place at these awards.
Greener Grangetown – Arup
Project Allenby/Connaught (PAC) – Aspire Defence Capital Works
Deloitte LLP, 1 New Street Square – Deloitte
Borough Yards Project – Keltbray
P2R-GE-ATF Crossrail – Keltbray Rail
A465 Heads of the Valleys Trunk Road – TACP
Wilson e2 Amorphous Transformer - Wilson Power Solutions
Judges’ comments: “This product has made a real difference in practice in the often-overlooked area of energy efficiency, and within this area, the equally overlooked technology of transformers. It demonstrates innovative thinking – innovation which is continuing to be developed in the e3 model.”
Almost 3% of the energy generated across Europe is wasted through transformer losses. This is equivalent to the energy needed to power Denmark for three years.
A Wilson e2 amorphous transformer can typically achieve lifetime savings of more than £75,000 in saved electricity. In terms of carbon emissions, the average amorphous transformer saves 507 tons of CO2 emissions over a 30-year lifetime by reducing energy losses.
Since the launch of Wilson e2, Wilson Power Solutions has implemented it in over 800 locations around the UK. This innovation in distribution transformers typically helps organisations that install them achieve more than half of transformer losses and 3-8% savings in their total electricity consumption, based on their load.
Power transformer losses are responsible for 25% of electrical network losses in the UK. The European Commission estimates that using more efficient transformers should lead to more than 17% energy savings, estimating 16 TWh per year after 2020.
Wilson e2 transformers combine amorphous core material with low-current density conductors to provide a distribution transformer with the lowest combined transformer losses. It exceeds the EU Eco Design (Tier 2) specifications that are due to come in force in 2021 for distribution transformer losses.
Highly commended:
The Hydrofraise - Costain, VINCI Construction Grands Projets and Bachy Soletanche (CVB Joint Venture)
Mott MacDonald Carbon Portal - Mott MacDonald
Waterman Biodiversity Toolkit - Waterman Infrastructure and Environment
Anglia Print
Judges’ comments: “This company demonstrated a clear organisational focus on sustainability that was at the core of its business strategy. It recognises the challenge of continuing to achieve year-on-year improvements. It has continued to innovate, including through an industry-first use of paper rather than plastic tape in packaging and engaging on sustainability issues at both regional and sectoral levels.”
Anglia Print is a small company operating as an environmentally and ethically responsible business. Sustainability has long been embedded within its core business model. In a competitive market place and an industry in transition, Anglia Print has devoted a large amount of resources to environmental and ethical actions.
The company has taken transformational action with energy use and its main printing press, drastically reducing energy requirements, set up resources, process waste and water use.
In 2016, Anglia Print received a Queen’s Award for Sustainable Development in recognition of its efforts. It counts Greenpeace as one of its most important stakeholders and produces printed materials for the organisation.
Its framework for monitoring and improving performance gathers data on water use, electricity use, emissions, general waste, specialist waste streams, and ink and substrates purchased. All data is evaluated and performance analysed and used to develop annual improvement targets.
This was a highly competitive category, which engendered a lively debate among judges. Entries that scored highly were based on overall approach, rather than focusing on particular aspects, and where there was clear senior level buy in, engagement and promotion in organisations.
John Sisk and Son
Keltbray Group
Qatar Rail
Skanska UK
National Union of Students
Judges’ comments: “What we really liked about this entry was that the consultancy services are aimed across a wide spectrum, from students to businesses and local communities. The collaboration with the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce was particularly commendable, as it brought together the wider social value and economic principles of sustainability, rather than just focusing on the environmental aspects.”
NUS has been delivering pro-sustainability engagement and behaviour-change programmes at students’ unions, tertiary education providers and community organisations since 2007. ‘Green Impact’ is an accreditation scheme that encourages pro-sustainability behaviour by staff in teams. It empowers sustainability champions, giving them a framework of practical actions and helping them gain recognition for their efforts. It also provides students with skills development, learning and research opportunities and volunteering time.
Last year, more than 6,903 people in 1,094 teams engaged 42,000 colleagues and delivered over 42,200 actions. In 2016, NUS was recognised by UNESCO as one of nine global laureates for education for sustainable development.
NUS worked with the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce and Isle of Wight Council to provide the island with sustainability goals for businesses. In January 2019, Liz Earle hosted the first Green Impact Breakfast Workshop, which brought together more than 50 island businesses and gave them the opportunity to win awards showing their commitments to sustainability. These were judged by students trained in environmental auditing and assessment on a one-day IEMA-approved course.
While the Isle of Wight programme only ran for 10 months, it engaged with 65 island businesses, which have taken actions such as: ensuring electrical and electronic waste is disposed of in line with WEEE regulations; switching to a ‘green’ electricity tariff; and promoting sustainable transport options to staff and customers.
This was a competitive category, with interesting examples of how services have benefited clients and communities to result in transformational changes.
Beyond Green
Enviro-Mark Solutions
Resource Futures
The Low Carbon Project – University of Derby Business School, University of Derby Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Engineering, Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council
iReport – Royal HaskoningDHV
Judges’ comments: “iReport represents digital innovation addressing a problem in impact assessment – particularly for major infrastructure projects, but equally applicable to smaller ones. Royal HaskoningDHV’s collaboration with multiple stakeholders, including the Dutch National EIA Agency, ensured a robust and consistent approach has been developed that can withstand the scrutiny to which Environmental Statements are subject. In addition, client testimonials indicate their acceptance of this new approach and the benefits of using a digital media platform to convey complex information in an easily digestible format.”
Royal HaskoningDHV is pioneering technology to help stakeholders understand the impact of engineering projects. Its iReport is an online digital platform that presents complex information in a visual, dynamic way. It minimises complexity and replaces a range of long, detailed written project reports, from feasibility studies and environmental impact statements (EIS) to masterplans and forecasting.
In a project for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Royal HaskoningDHV’s objective was to translate a lengthy report into a more user-friendly format using digital technology. A further objective was to help clients gain consent for their projects by informing and reassuring key stakeholders.
Trialled for the Vincent Tshabalala Pedestrian Bridge project, commissioned by the Johannesburg Development Agency, the first iReport in South Africa was commended for its substantial value both internally and externally. It has been credited with making information more accessible, creating greater transparency and traction with stakeholders that results in swift and better-informed decision-making. This was confirmed by the independent Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment in its advice on digital EIA.
Given that Impact Assessment has been an area of significant innovation in recent years, it was challenging for category entrants to demonstrate how they have taken the next step. Entries generated much discussion among the judges, who were keen to understand the work being undertaken to make information more accessible to decision-makers and stakeholders.
The Common Social Impact Framework (CSIF) – Action Sustainability
Stonehenge – AECOM
LUC Planning Team – LUC
Crossrail 2 (MTEW Consortium) – Mott MacDonald on behalf of MTEW Consortium
James Cropper
Judges’ comments: “This entry demonstrated the circular economy at its best. Driven by client need and seeing an opportunity to have a positive impact on the environment, as well as address a major consumer issue, James Cropper identified a way to ‘turn waste into wealth’.”
James Cropper is a paper innovator based in the English Lake District, supplying paper products to brands, art galleries and designers. Its ‘CupCycling™’ process, which turns disposable coffee cups into paper and packaging, is helping to reduce the amount of single-use coffee cups entering the waste stream. The scheme’s success is illustrated by the fact that several national coffee shop chains and retailers have signed up to be either material providers or purchasers of the recycled product.
High street restaurants and retailers such as Costa, McDonald’s and Starbucks have installed cup collection stations, and there are now more than 4,000 dedicated cup recycling stations nationwide. The used cups are collected by 10 waste management partners across the country for processing, before being delivered to the James Cropper plant.
CupCycling™ is an example of the circular economy in action. With more than 60m cups already processed, it shows how collaboration between businesses can lead to successful outcomes for industry and the environment and be potentially transformative at a national scale.
The Circular Economy category included a very good mix of entries, combining established best practice and real innovation. Two real stand-out entries demonstrated the circular economy in action, which led to lengthy discussion among the judges. While there can be only be one winner, it was encouraging to see some of the largest infrastructure projects in the UK embracing the circular economy, and several others showing good progress towards minimising their impacts.
Highly commended: Ecobooth
Costain/ATC Joint Venture
Skanska, MWH Treatment, Balfour Beatty Joint Venture (SMBJV)
Wild West End – Arup
Judges’ comments: “This was a really imaginative project – a well-thought-out programme, with a highly diverse set of parameters considered. There was an excellent range of collaborators and stakeholders, and good use of social media to promote. It also inspired others and was transformational.”
Wild West End was founded to promote biodiversity and environmental net gain. It was initiated by The Crown Estate and evolved from its work with Arup on establishing an ecology masterplan for its London estate. Today, Wild West End is a partnership between The Crown Estate, Grosvenor Britain & Ireland, The Portman Estate, Great Portland Estates, The Howard de Walden Estate and Shaftesbury. The Greater London Authority and London Wildlife Trust (LWT) were approached as strategic partners, and engagement was undertaken with collaborators including Business Improvement Districts, Transport for London, Natural England and academic institutes.
In 2016, Arup’s ecologists completed a baseline in collaboration with LWT to define the biodiversity conditions against which improvements in the value and function of green spaces and ecological features will be measured. The surveys will be repeated every two years. Findings from the 2018 surveys show that an additional 2,500m2 of green space has been delivered since 2016. This includes 10 garden squares, two pocket parks and an allotment.
The judges were impressed that the partnership considered connectivity. It created a network of green corridors throughout the West End, connecting new and existing areas of green space via more than 60 green roofs and 14 green walls, as well as planters, street trees, flower boxes and pop-up spaces. Bird surveys results indicated a greatly improved diversity of urban-adapted birds in the area – as well as at least four species of bat.
The Biodiversity and Environmental Net Gain category had a high standard of entries, demonstrating that net gain approaches are now being used in a wide range of projects.
Highly commended: Heathlands – TEP
Army Basing Programme (ABP) - Aspire Defence Capital Works
Delivering Biodiversity, No Net Loss on the Greater West Programme - Network Rail
Whyteleafe South Substation Renewal - Siemens Mobility, Rail Electrification
Forder Valley Link Road - WSP
TAG Farnborough Airport
Judges’ comments: “This is a clear, well planned and executed strategy based on sound targets. The entry demonstrates a clear commitment from the CEO to support the strategy, which was considered critical to achieve success. TAG has adopted an integrated approach, using technology, standards and behaviours to drive change. This is reflected in the successful outcomes, including achieving net-zero carbon one year ahead of schedule. This demonstrates TAG’s drive to become more sustainable in an industry not generally recognised for embracing the need for reductions in carbon emissions.”
TAG Farnborough Airport (TFA) is a UK business aviation facility. Its 2009 Master Plan stated TFA’s intention to grow the business responsibly, in a way that considered all aspects of environmental impact and opportunities for sustainable development.
A commitment to achieve carbon neutral status under Airport Carbon Accreditation addressed carbon management. TFA achieved Airport Carbon Accreditation at: Level 1: Mapping (2009); Level 2: Reduction (2010), a 24% reduction; and Level 3: Optimisation (2013), a 37% reduction. Level 3+ was achieved a year ahead of schedule in May 2018, after a 42% reduction. Together with the required levels of offsetting, TFA become the world’s first business aviation airport to be certified carbon neutral.
For the past two years, TFA has offset residual emissions through Verified Carbon Standard-approved schemes. In 2017, it planted 3,500 native trees in partnership with eight schools; this project, coupled with a REDD+ project in Brazil, provided an opportunity to learn about environmental management. In 2018, a second offsetting project saw a 10kWp solar array installed at a local school.
This was a challenging category to judge. We were impressed by companies’ targets and delivery strategies. Several entries are at the early stages of development or implementation, and could be potential contenders for future awards once outcomes and benefits have been realised.
Eiffage Kier Joint Venture
Mott MacDonald
Green Paper on establishing the Blueprint for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure – Peter Brett Associates (PBA) now part of Stantec and Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners
Skanska UK
UK Power Networks
Temaiku Land and Urban Development - Jacobs New Zealand
Judges’ comments: “This complex project required the effective integration of many disciplines. Working to a clear brief, the project was well planned and presented, and incorporated good stakeholder engagement. The application was well presented and the audio and visual content effectively brought to project to life.”
Climate resilience and adaptation is a major challenge that requires long-term planning based on credible data. Effective solutions are likely to be multi-disciplinary and complex. These challenges mean it is difficult to make realistic, achievable interventions. The applicants in this category made efforts to address these problems.
Kiribati, an island republic in the Central Pacific, is one of the world’s most economically and physically vulnerable countries, consisting of 33 low-lying coral atolls. Of its 110,000 inhabitants, half live on the capital island of South Tarawa. Tarawa’s land and people are increasingly impacted by sea level rise and the frequency of storm surge inundation. Its population is rapidly growing due to migration from the outer islands, placing pressures on natural resources, infrastructure and essential services.
Our winner, Jacobs, was commissioned by the Kiribati government and New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to assess the feasibility of reclaiming 300 hectares of inhabitable land and transforming it into an urban development for up to 35,000 people that would be resilient to predicted 2200 sea levels. The project is the first large-scale climate change adaption project of its kind for small island nations. The investigations comprised coastal engineering, urban and landscape design, and environmental and social impact assessment. Through an integrated and consultative investigation and design process, the team delivered a solution that was focused on triple bottom line sustainability.
The success of the process was such that the president of Kiribati decided to present it to the 2017 UN World Climate Change Conference (COP23). The judges look forward to seeing its tangible outcomes.
Accelerating climate adaptation in the Further and Higher Education sector – EAUC, the Higher Education Business Continuity Network (HEBCoN) and AECOM
Judges’ comments: “This application demonstrated a good approach to supply chain management across a wide range of issues. Clear objectives were presented and exceeded using a structure approach to implementation. Achievements were credible and clearly quantified. The judges were pleased to note the emphasis on engaging with and supporting businesses and SMEs local to the project. Judges also noted the variations in approach to supply chain management across a range of issues demonstrated by the applications.”
High Speed Two (HS2) is responsible for developing and promoting the UK’s new high-speed rail network. It currently employs around 1,500 people.
HS2’s supply chain management strategy is to deliver two key business benefits; 95% of contracts across the programme are awarded to UK based companies; 60% of contracts (numerical) across the programme are awarded to UK based SMEs (Small & Medium sized Enterprises).
HS2’s suppliers are extremely varied. Since beginning operations in 2009, 2000 businesses so far have delivered work on HS2, both directly and as part of the supply chain. Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) represent 70 % of this supply chain with 99% representing UK-based companies.
HS2 has supported communication on sustainable improvement within its supply chain. An example has been its supply chain roadshows, where the company has highlighted its sustainability approach, strategic sourcing standards and its goal to build a resilient infrastructure project and foster innovation throughout.
An example of where HS2’s partners have gone above and beyond to mitigate air quality impacts (surpassing the European Union air quality emission standard) has been by developing route-wide “Euro VI” emissions standards for both on and off-road construction vehicles and equipment, and this was recognised by the National Air Quality Awards 2018.
WHEB Asset Management - WHEB
Judges’ comments: “WHEB is a relatively young financial company with sustainability at the core of its business, driving all investment decisions. It has identified a niche in the finance and investment markets and the judges were impressed with its investment strategy, which is underpinned by nine sustainability themes. Clear evidence was provided of the tangible results for investors, while driving positive sustainable change in the companies they invest in. Also worthy of note is WHEB’s development of an ‘Impact Calculator’ to enable its clients to understand the impact associated with their own investment.”
WHEB Asset Management focuses on investment activities that have a positive impact and are aligned with society's transition to a lower carbon, more sustainable economy. It manages £300m and its investment strategy is structured around nine sustainability themes including five environmental themes and four social themes. Every company that WHEB invests in manufactures products or services that fit into one or more of these themes.
Since WHEB’s current investment strategy was launched in April 2012, the fund at the end of February 2019 had outperformed the MSCI World benchmark on a gross basis by five percentage points.
At the same time, the strategy has achieved many positive impacts, including: growing the size of the fund from c. £30m to nearly £300m; quantifying the impact of the fund in 2017 which included avoiding more than 200,000 tonnes of CO2e, generating 133,000 MWh of renewable energy, treating 18,000 tonnes of waste and 3 billion litres of waste water and providing 11,000 people with healthcare treatment and 22,000 days of tertiary education; and, publishing an 'impact calculator' that enables clients to calculate the impact associated with their own investment in the fund.
Entrants in this category included a variety of approaches aimed at creating a financial landscape to support and promote sustainable investment. The judges were encouraged to see new strategies being developed in this growing area of sustainability, one that has the potential to deliver significant positive outcomes as we rise to the challenge of climate change.
BNP Paribas CSR
Coller Capital
Ecosystems Knowledge Network
Environmental and Sustainability Department (ESD)/Energy Efficiency and Climate Change (E2C2) - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Treasury Team - Pennon Group
Kier Highways
Judges’ comments: “Driven from the top and implemented across the business, Kier has shown commitment to a well-thought-out strategy which increases social and environmental value by collaboration with stakeholders and local communities in a broad range of key sustainability themes, from climate change to employee mental health.”
Kier Highways’ winning strategy, Roadmap to Sustainability, breaks sustainability down into 10 manageable principles covering the whole range of sustainability topics, from carbon to wellbeing and wildlife. Each is mapped against 'Three Pillars' of sustainability, to ensure it operates in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible manner.
The judges were impressed by the positive impact on the communities Kier serves, the environment along the roads it maintains, and the wellbeing of its staff as a result of this strategy. To further support its actions, Kier places emphasis on the wellbeing of its people – ED&I is now enshrined within sustainability, and it challenges each contract to deliver at least one ‘community good works’ project per year.
The company has a strong focus on collaboration, helping to drive the sector forward. For example, it is engaging with Highways England to deliver schemes to benefit their aim of increasing biodiversity and working to share best practice and innovation, such as a recent Supplier Day workshop on Sustainable Procurement. It was also the first Highways business to be certified with the Carbon Trust Standard.
Kier Highways employs more than 2,000 people across England. It provides design and maintenance services to the highways sector through contracts with Highways England and a number of local authorities.
Its corporate sustainability strategy, Roadmap to Sustainability, is driven by the Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Manager, with support from the Sustainability Advisor, and was built upon the ethos outlined in the One Planet Action Plan.
Highly commended:
Pure Planet
Siemens Mobility - Rail Electrification
SITA Air Transport Community Foundation - SITA
Judges’ comments: “The judges liked the potential for broad, international impacts and the monitoring of programmes to ensure their long-term sustainability and robustness. They also noted the inclusivity of the scheme and the linkage with small charities working close to the issues and geographical areas.”
SITA is a global specialist in air transport communications and information technology. The SITA Air Transport Community Foundation initiative was established in 2014, with the aim of providing young people in Africa with access to ICT and education. This project builds transferable skills and knowledge, which helps beneficiaries to achieve long-term wellbeing and resilience both within and outside of the aviation industry.
Since 2014, the Foundation has helped more than 80,000 young people in Ethiopia, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe through projects it has delivered with its charity partners. These include the provision of ICT labs and equipment, teacher training and access to funding for education.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals have been a constant theme throughout the Foundation’s work – in particular those related to access to clean energy, quality education, gender equality, responsible consumption and production, and partnerships for the goals.
In 2018, Foundation projects have included the following: implementing solar power at schools in Zambia and Uganda; training teachers in the International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) qualification in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Ethiopia; and funding students at South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand on degree and PhD courses related to IT, computer sciences, electrical and information engineering and aeronautical engineering. The Foundation also funds a $10,000 innovation award for students at Witwatersrand and the Tshimologong Innovation Precinct in South Africa, and 16 seats for entrepreneurs at the Tshimologong Innovation Project.
The judges were impressed by the diversity of applications in this category, which included projects that covered a wide range of aspects relating to social value.
Highly commended:
Food Redistribution Project – Central England Cooperative
The Ibadan City Masterplan – Dar
EC and UWS - Teaching the Unreached – EC English Language Centres
GPE Community Strategy – Great Portland Estates and Greengage
Battersea Power Station Phase 2 – Mace
Workers Welfare Programme – Qatar Rail
Academy9 – Transport Scotland
Samantha Carlsson, Senior Sustainability Consultant, Hoare Lea
Judges’ comments: “Sam has made great progress in her career, and that is testament to the skills, technical expertise and enthusiasm so evident in her work. She shows great insight and understanding of the challenges we face today and is determined to be part of the solution. Sam is already setting new standards for a more sustainable future.”
Sam Carlsson started as a graduate within the Hoare Lea Sustainability Group in September 2014, providing sustainability consultancy within the built environment, and has progressed to the role of Senior Sustainability Consultant in the London office. She has been shortlisted for the CIBSE Graduate of the Year and EDIE Rising Star awards, is a qualified BREEAM Assessor, and has passed exams to become a BREEAM and WELL Accredited Professional.
Sam stands out for her meticulous approach and project delivery skills. Her efforts, passion and positivity have been instrumental in achieving numerous achievements.
Sam is an advocate for occupancy engagement and presented at the CIBSE Technical Symposium 2016 and 2019, encouraging people to design buildings for ‘performance’ rather than just ‘compliance’. She also presented a case study on best practice in achieving indoor air quality in the corporate workplace.
Sam’s most significant achievement has been achieving BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ on 1 New Street Square, Deloitte’s new UK headquarter. The project scored a record 94%, becoming the highest-scoring BREEAM 2014 Refurbishment project in the world. It also attained WELL Gold, becoming the largest WELL Gold project in the world and the first BREEAM Outstanding/ WELL Gold dual-certified office fit-out.
The many worthy entries in this category suggests the future is in good hands. It was an immense task to shortlist this group and find an individual to take away the award. All shortlisted candidates were truly impressive, and we felt compelled to recognise two entries, for Highly Commended and Award Winner.
Highly commended:
Laura Shamsuzzaman, Operations Co-ordinator, St Mark's Shopping Centre
Laura is a self-made sustainability champion. Through developing her knowledge in environmental issues, she has been able to adapt and implement what she has learnt into day-to-day practice, making a big impact in her local area. What struck the judges most was her passion and energy in driving positive change, and how she has convinced others to join her. Laura has turned her love for nature and the environment into a technical skill, and her enthusiasm is infectious. She is a great example of leadership from the ground up.
Clara Paine, Environmental Consultant, Arup
Salem Qunsol, Sustainability Engineer, Dar
Simon Cripps, Consultant, EVORA Global
Charlotte Calloway, Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Alicia Winter, Sustainability and Carbon Specialist, Mott MacDonald
Claire Hicks, Manager, Future Ready, WSP Canada
Dr Waddah Ghanem Al Hashmi, Senior Director - Sustainability, Business and Operational Excellence, Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC) LLC
Judges’ comments: “In order to be successful for generations to come, sustainable thinking should be embedded across all industries. Those sectors that have historically given little regard to the concept of environmental protection now, more than ever, require a true transformative approach. Transformative individuals who are willing to challenge their boards’ systemic thinking and their sector both nationally and globally must be recognised for the work they do. Dr Waddah Ghanem Al Hashmi is such an individual.”
Starting his career as an environmental engineer, Dr Waddah has become a highly respected industry specialist with a passion for improving the environment and the overall success of compliance and governance systems in the energy sector. The board was impressed with his drive, commitment, passion and the sustainability narrative he seeks to promote, both within the Emirates and globally.
Dr Waddah has a vision to ingrain sustainability within the operations of the ENOC. He has guided the company’s vision towards sustainability and played major role in integrating sustainability-related Key Performance Indicators.
In 2018, ENOC annual savings achieved owing to decrease in energy intensity, water intensity, waste reduction and renewable integration helped to save AED 32 million. Employee engagement rose year on year to all time high to 4.3 in GALLUP survey and ENOC also had a successful year in 2018 when 71% of its procurement turned green from just 25% in 2016.
Dr Waddah understands the importance of developing industry thinking in a way that will meet the needs of the future generations through community infrastructure development and societal impact. As such, he also urges young talent acquisition in the Middle East to assist industry there with sustainable development.
The high quality of entrants in this category is testament to the fact that sustainability leaders are embedding their values and their deep awareness of the world around them into the corporate systems they work within. We were impressed by all who met with the judges and undoubtedly there are some that we will be seeing again soon.
Highly commended:
Rowan Bryne, Principal Marine Environmental Scientist, Mott MacDonald
Robert Spencer, Director - Sustainable Development, AECOM
Jess Kennedy, Associate Director - Sustainability, Arup
Paul Sutcliffe, Founder and Director, EVORA Global
Alex Hilton, Head of Sustainability, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Imogen Christodoulou, Senior Sustainability Consultant, Scotch Partners
Lucinda Farrington-Parker, Environment and Sustainability Manager, VolkerStevin
David Hoare, Associate Director, WSP
Judges’ comments:
“David has demonstrated the highest level of passion for sustainable development by way of his significant voluntary contributions through both his professional and IEMA membership. As a member of both the IEMA North West Regional Steering Group and the IEMA Impact Assessment Group, David has been a leading figure in enabling members to engage effectively with the IEMA Policy and Practice agenda.”
In bringing the Impact Assessment engagement programme directly to members via events, David has empowered and enabled members in the local area to benefit from the latest thinking from UK leading professionals, as well as being able to provide a voice to many members looking to contribute to the agenda. This has been demonstrated by his significant contribution to the Impact Assessment Roadshows, as well as the development of a working partnership between IEMA and the Royal Town Planning Institute. The latter is taking the first step in developing a highly valuable partnership by two organisations. David has also looked to share his technical expertise through thought leadership in working groups and best practice publications on Impact Assessment.
David‘s selfless dedication to the development of IEMA’s mission, fellow IEMA members, and his colleagues is at the highest levels of leadership. Aside from demonstrating great value to IEMA as a volunteer, David has been a role model for his professionalism, generosity and positivity.
David is also registered with the volunteering programme ‘Inspiring the Future’, which aims to deliver careers advice to children in school and college education.
He is always striving to promote technical excellence, and while he seeks opportunities to get involved and support IEMA activities, he also encourages
colleagues to do so.
Katie Atherton, Senior Environmental Advisor, Cementation Skanska
Morag White, Logistics Manager, Jacobs